The end of lectures in Law School and everyone is so excited to go back home, pack their bags and off they go away from the campus. However the inbetween period of lectures and the Bar Finals is the Externship. So as you get ready to leave the campus for your externship. These are my top tips to fully maximize it.

1) Keep your Motivation High: There is no doubt that on close of lectures it's so easy for student to lose their motivation during this period, as there is no more classes, group meetings or class presentation. However this is the best time to be motivated and fully come to grip with what Law is about.

Also Motivation can come in form of what you see in court, shabby dressed lawyers, lawyers who come to court unprepared for their case, that you start to wonder is this the profession i am so eager to enter. Never let all this deter your Motivation and passion.

2)Network and Gain Contact: during the court Externship you are going to meet top lawyers or lawyers you admire come to Court to conduct their matters. Or after a proceeding you might really love how a counsel conducted his case. It is certainly not out of place if you approach that counsel, introduce yourself to him, tell him how much you admire his professional diligence and get his contact details. You never can tell how well that contact might be of help to you in the profession. Lots of friends had their connects through moments like that.

3)Master your Draft: You might not get another important opportunity as this to master the draft. As you know a large percentage of your Bar finals is based on drafting. So going to court and seeing counsels move these draft applications while you go back home to study on them looks a very sure bet to master and understand the draft because once you understand the reasoning behind it, drafting any application shouldn't be a problem.

4)Be Diligent: once you are in Court, follow and observe the court proceedings, take notice of particular words counsels and judges use in reference to particular situations and scenarios because you might just find yourself trying to identify them during your Mcq in the Bar finals.

5) Be Smart: while the court session is nice, always be cautious with your time. If you know at any point missing court might be the appropriate option for that day based on what you have to achieve you can actually miss it in a while, cause the Externship still serves as your mini break during the law school experience but be smart about it and not make it an habit

Lastly Study your books master your rules, procedures and principles and don't forget to also have fun with friends and family.. In such case you would be living and enjoying a balanced life

Hope you find this helpful as you go on your vacation and Externship.

Emmanuel Eti- Osa Ojomo


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